Friday, April 25, 2008

How to Argue

from wikiHow

"An argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a definite proposition." - Monty Python on ArgumentsIt can be difficult for people to get their point across without hurting one another in the process. Below are some tips for effectively resolving a problem.

  1. Stop thinking about what you are going to say next. This is not effective, as it distracts you from listening to the points the other person is trying to make.
  2. Listen to what the other person has to say. Try not to become angry, just listen quietly until it is your turn to speak. Do not try to cut off the other person or interrupt.
  3. When it is your turn to speak, use your words to convey your feelings, not your tone. Say things like, "When you say that, I feel _____", or, "It hurts me when you _____". This makes the other person feel like they are not at fault, and they don't have to become defensive. If you said to them, "I hate it when you _______", it makes them feel like they have to defend themselves and both of you end up getting more angry and farther from a resolution.
  4. Try to choose your words carefully. Remember that you are trying to express to another person what it is that you are thinking and feeling. You have to convey that with your words.
  5. Respect what the other person has to say. If you do not like it, that doesn't matter. That is their opinion and you should respect it, whether you agree or not.
  6. Keep the dialogue going, with each person taking turns speaking and saying what they feel and think in the way described above. You will both eventually understand what the other is trying to say, and you will both see a clearer picture of the other's feelings.


  • Sometimes one of you may need a few minutes alone to absorb what has been said. That is okay. If the other person asks for a few minutes alone, you should respect that and agree upon a time to continue the conversation. If you need a few minutes, you should be granted the same respect.


  • Sometimes it is best not to argue about politics or religion unless you are very close to the other person, and you know that they will respect your opinion. Most people cannot agree on these topics.
  • It can be hard to share your thoughts and opinions with someone who won't let you get a word in edgeways.

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